Monday 18 May 2009

Stacking up nicely :)

Still need to make the flowers for the middles of them but so far the squares are stacking up trying not to get too hung up on having the right number of the same colours (yes im working on a one ending in blue but thats a coincidence honest) and not following the same colour sequence for them! Does anyone else have that problem or am i just a little OCD?? I dont think i have 2 the same so far - i know the time will come and its a bridge i will have to cross when i get there..........if that bridge is too long i may just have a lopsided blanket - then again that would kick my OCD into another gear! LOL *you should have seen how fast i did square number 13 just so i could move on to 14!!* ;)

Ive blitzed the house this morning and im now making lists of things i need to do this week - im a constant list maker! Its raining today so no going outdoors for us, lets hope it gets better as the week goes on :)


  1. lol i'm a list maker too, i make lists for my lists!!!! lol

    terrible i know lol


  2. I'm a list maker, I have to make a list at night to read first thing in the morning. I find it hard to function without lists.

    Lovely granny scquares

  3. lol do you have to have the volume on the tv/radio on an even number too? I do :-D

    love your crochet squares, Im very impressed by how many you have so far! Are you getting anything else done?! lol I would not be!

    Rose XX

  4. Well done, there great!
    I started my blanket with any bits of wool I had in the house, so there is no colour scheme to my blanket, I have just been popping out to the shops, and buying whatever colour wool takes my fancy, so my blanket is seriously multi-coloured, with quite a few colours clashing, but I like it becuase it is bright, vibrant, and the first blanket I have ever made. The next one I will chose a colour scheme for though! xxxxx


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