Monday 16 November 2009

Just a quickie...

We thought we were going for our scan today to see if we are having a boy or girl...nope, after 2 and a half hours we walked out after having

bloods taken...
booking in with consultant...
talk with midwife about amnio etc...
a crying session that i worried would get me sectioned...
we heard the heartbeat...
i cried again...
booked date of the 16th Dec to have the scan.

I came home and cried and was a very hormonal of the not so good sides of being pregnant! ;)

Tomorrow however i plan on making up for it and cook up a storm - i feel the need to BAKE!! :)


  1. I remember those hormones well!
    Every morning on the way to taking DD to school would see a friend and she'd just look at me to suss out what kind of mood I was in. If I was smiling she'd talk if not she'd walk on lol.
    Lucky enough we're good enough friends to be able to get away with it.
    It will all be worth it in the end.
    Beki xxx

  2. Oh that sounds like you had every rite to be a hormonal wreck. What a worry. I hope everything is ok. When I was pregnant with the twins I wondered how I was still allowed out. I was an emotional mess.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow. Sounds bliss.
    Love to you all.

  3. aawww, I could cry for you, hope you have a better day tomorrow, take care hugs Debx

  4. Oh bless how frustrating for you Debbie ..... give that mixing bowl a good beating tomorrow xx

  5. Bless you, sending you big cyber hugs x

  6. Oh sweetie! Sending you cyber hugs (that may just indeed start the hormonal tears again! LOL.


  7. I can empathise so much - I'm the same! and the date for my next scan is 14th december so very near to yours!
    I have very bad days too...and baking helps me too!
    Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Oh sorry to hear about your bad day. I think i had crying sessions throughout my entire pregnancy - hormones! Hope the baking helps x

  9. Oh sorry to hear about your bad day. I think i had crying sessions throughout my entire pregnancy - hormones! Hope the baking helps x

  10. Hope you are feeling better in yourself now Debbie, sounds like a rollercoaster!

    Hope your scan goes OK too.

    Hugs to you (and bump!)

    Katrina xx


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