Tuesday 11 May 2010

Eww eww!!

When we ordered seafood pizza it said it had prawns, muscles, tuna and anchovies..........no where did it mention BABY SQUID!! Ewwww Even the look of it turns my stomach....this WILL NOT be on our recipe challenge LOL


  1. I must be odd...yum lol!!!
    (but don't feel you need to send it my way - don't think it will survive the journey!!!!)

  2. Oh no! No Way. I think I would have had to send it back lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. EEwww- is right!I have never eaten a squid dish that I have liked!
    Have a happy week,
    Cally's Cottage.

  5. LOL We bloggers are funny ones!

    Who in their right mind would take a photo of that and want to tell the world about it???
    US OF COURSE! Ha ha, isn't blogging a funny old thing.

    Love it. (erm..not the squidletts though! hee hee) xxx

  6. pmsl claire, yayy for bloggers!! :D I needed to tell someone and imagine trying to explain this without pictures - my sis will vomit! lol

  7. too gross .... seafood pizza is not even close to my first choice of pizza so Ithink you get brownie points just for ordering

  8. awesome i woild love a pizza like that mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  9. Was that a home delivery or were you sitting in a restaurant making disgusted noises and taking photos!!

  10. This is exactly why I don't like seafood....yuk! x

  11. eurghhh! I don't like any sea food! did anyone eat the squid?

  12. Yuck! When I was little my freinds dad owned a fish shop and she used to eat those by the handfuls straight out of the fridge! To be honest I think she did it to freak me out because I was always horrified! lol I do however love crumbed calamari ;)

  13. averilpam - it was take away LOL I think im at the stage though where if it had been in a restaurant i probably still would have taken pictures! LOL

    Sharon - my oldest (14 tomorrow) tried it and then chased the little ones with another but they didnt try them! lol


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