Wednesday 20 June 2012

What do you struggle with?? (+ giveaway!)

I am a firm believer that anything is possible!

I also believe that hobbies should be fun!

Which is why I wouldnt let macarons ruin my life!  Little b*ggers!

I wanted to include them in my book and I sure as heck wasnt going to be beaten by them!

Lots of blue air and coloured hands, lots of patience and sitting in front of the oven to make sure they didnt catch, lots of them ending up in the bin on the first few attempts.....but......I got there in the end and just like the pastry issue of old (yes pastry was my nemesis!!) I can now whip out a batch that actually look very pretty!  Wohoo!!!

I am giving away one of the I *heart* macarons books so if you would like to give it a go just pop your name in the comment section below and tell me what you struggle with (doesnt have to be baking!)

Winner will be announced on Sunday :)


  1. Hi Debbie,
    I too struggle with macarons! I'm an avid baker & take orders for celebration cupcakes & large cakes, but these tiny baked demons seem to be out of my realm of capability. No wonder they're so blinkin' expensive to buy!!!

  2. I have never even attempted macaroons but they look so inviting! My struggle is definately knitting and don't even start me on crochet, lol! I can sew, do papercrafts, make a bit of jewellery, bake and cook. But when it comes to yarn I become completely cack handed! I would love the chance to win this book even if its just to look at it :)

    Colette x.

  3. Hi Debbie i love macaroons too but could never make them, ive got to say i struggle with getting the right life balance fitting every thing in i used to feel guilty crafting if i hadnt hoovered up,now i close my eyes on the way to my craft room LOL
    karen x

  4. Like you I try not to let things beat me! And like you it used to be pastry!
    What I want help with is TIME, how to use it better.......
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. I struggle with crochet. I've bought numerous teaching books but I cannot master it even though I can knit. I've never tried to make macaroons! Sharon XXX

  6. Ooooooooh, so you want one of us to be driven crazy with trying to bake these fashionable, colourful treats?
    Hey, I'm up for the challenge, already crazy so wont make much difference there ;)
    Knitting is my Nemesis, I just havent the patience to get the hang of getting the tension right.

  7. Too scared to try macaroons, lol. I struggle with swiss roll, debbie. I know it should be really easy but I am useless at it x

  8. I can knit, even complicated patterns, I can crochet even fine lacy stuff, however I cannot knit a PAIR of bootees, unless the baby is born with a size 0 foot and one size 8!!!
    I have now given up and ask my MIL to knit bootees!

  9. Macaroons have just proved to be my nemesis too! Have just dumped my first batch in the bin and have runout of ground almonds for anymore attempts! Would love to win the book xx

  10. I`ve only made macaroons once and discovered you need to add a load of colouring to get them nice and bright.
    I struggle making honeycomb. It always burns or tastes of the bicarbonate of soda... yuck.

  11. LIFE, Debbie...that's what I struggle with! But I won't let it beat me, oh no :)) Using a sewing machine comes a close second, with choux pastry taking up the rear. I must admit I've never tried making macaroons, but I have eaten plenty :)

  12. Flapjacks!! I so want to be able to make them gooey and soft but they turn out dry and crumbly despite me adding almost a whole tin of golden syrup and not baking them for too long. Doesn't stop me from eating them though! That's also what I struggle with - my sweet tooth!

    Karen xx

  13. I struggle with meringues, once many years ago I was entertaining the inlaws and after trying with about 20 eggs I went and bought one!!!

  14. I have never attempted to make macarons, but I love MACAROONS! Those little coconut-y nuggets of goodness are wonderful!

    Macarons are so pretty, however, that I would like to try!

  15. Gravy. That's what gets me. Every time it's a lottery, sometimes it's comes out great. But, sometimes it's too watery, too tasteless, too horrible, too thick, too lumpy... I wish I knew what I did differently each time! It's a stressful event making gravy in this house, I can tell you!

    S x

  16. i struggle with souffles


  17. I'd love to make my homemade wine taste, well ... of wine! Not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, but on the positive side, I do have lots of nice vinegar!

  18. Scones for me ....or STONES as they are referred to by my delightful children!!!

  19. I struggle with eating just one homemade cake,muffin or pie.I always find a cup of coffee needs two !!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I don't struggle with your lovely blog but I SeRiOuSlY struggle with mornings!

  22. Haha you already know the answer to this for me...............FUDGE.
    Think the time may of come to try again ;o)

    Beki xx

  23. I struggle with never having enough time to do all that I want, avoiding the cake & bicuits, and don't even get me started on Crochet!


  24. Been making Spag Bol for more years than I care to remember and it never comes out the same. used to make macaroons years ago using the Bero Book and they never failed.

  25. I too have delegated lots of macaroons to the bin so I now leave it to my daughter-in-law who makes the most amazing ones to supply the family...but I really would like to have some success with them. Good on you for your 'grit and determination'

    Helena D. x

  26. Hi I struggle to crochet I have books and watched utube. It still can't do it :-( I want to make those cute little flowers.
    I also struggle with eating most of the cakes and biscuits I make not good for my waist line !!

  27. I can knit, I can sew and I can even turn out a pretty good meringue. Cross stitch? Nope! Can't count the threads, can't get the stitches to face the same way, come to hate the design before I get near finishing it so it doesn't get finished - ever! I really fancy trying macarons, though :)

  28. I recently started crocheting after some brief lessons from my mum. Now, I am pretty please with my attempts so far, I have made a few baby blankets, but when it comes to baby booties I just can't get them right. My hubbie said either the baby would need to have very fat ankles or they'd be perfect for a baby elephant! I've given up booties for the moment, but I'll be back to them at some point. I will NOT be defeated!!
    Hugs, Victoria ~x~

  29. I struggle with knitting, which is a shame as I do love it! My tension has a life of its own even when I start with a tension square. When I am tired my knitting resembles a string bag and at other times it is so tight that it doesn't resemble anything!
    Oh well, keep trying
    Chrissie x

  30. Gardening...I love pottering about in the garden, weeding and even cutting the grass but planting defeats me.
    I always think that this year I will 'get on top of it' but then the weather defeats me and time is too short. I always forget to plant my bulbs in the autumn (I have bags and bags of them in the shed - I will try and get them in this year!)
    Lovely giveaway - I am dying to have a go at macarons -I recently bought some on a trip to London (a big treat to myself from Laduree)I love them!

  31. I love baking but have yet to try macaroons. I cannot for the life of me make Yorkshire puddings though!
    Kirsty x

  32. I love baking, never tries macaroons yet.

    At the moment Im strugggling with the fact Im going to be 50 on Monday :(

    Where did the time go

  33. I struggle with fondant icing - I can never get the colour even and then it cracks as I try to use it.


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