Thursday 16 August 2012

Maternity Swishing??

I wish i knew about this when i was pregnant as its so darn expensive to buy maternity clothes when youre growing out of them so quickly!!

Persil Non-Bio and Comfort Pure have teamed up with Jennie Falconer and Tommy’s baby charity to pull together a guide on how to host your own party!

Check out Comfort Zone Facebook page for all the information you will need!

I have a maternity swishing pack to give away so please leave your name below to be in with a chance of winning :)  I will pick a winner on Monday :)



  1. i did this after i had my little girl 2 years ago it was so much fun swapped lots of maternity wear for some cute outfits for my daugther as well as a few items for me freinds and i have baby clothes swap party as well which are always fun

  2. Oh! I would lov to win this for a very special friend who has waited so long to have a baby
    Thank you for the chance


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