Tuesday 24 April 2012


Today I have:

1. Been driven mad by an internet connection that isnt doing what its suppose to!
2. Found out my book cover is ready for my proofing but I couldnt receive it because mails arent working properly!
3. Driven myself even more mad trying to figure out what kind of border to put around not 1 but 2 blankets....12 granny squares in 100% cotton - I know I want the border and joinings to be white but not sure what kind of design to go for!  
A 33 round/square granny blanket that needs a pretty edge too - just not sure which!
4. Added the topping to my Diva shortbread - youve heard of Millionaire shortbread - well this is the next level! ;)
All that plus adding shelves to the boys bedrooms, sorting the organisation of our room, writing up recipes and keeping on top of 5 kids and a heli building hubby!  
 I think I deserved this pink champagne and fresh raspberries - join me??


  1. picot edge its super gorgeous debbie it has to be my favourite :) xxx

  2. I'm not a lover of champagne but boy that does look tempting.
    Love the look of your diva shortbread and very jealous of your crochet.
    I really don't know how you do it all hun.

    Beki xx

  3. you are amazing...put us all to shame, you certainly diserve a 'Blue Peter Badge'

    Hugs, Helena D.

  4. I think you deserve more than ONE after reading all that! x

  5. Would love a glass Debbie!! Recipe for Diva shortbread please?!!!! Looks divine!


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