Wednesday 16 December 2009

oops Nigella Winner is............

Sorry girls i was so wrapped up with my pink news that i forgot to post the winner of the Nigella book .
JAKEY!! :)

Email me your address honey and i will get it sent out to you asap :)

Thanks again to all who entered :)


  1. ME....?????

    OMG! How exciting - I never win anything! lol! It will help me feel better about my cupcake book my baaaaad puppy scoffed before I had chance to make a single thing from it!

    Thanks so much Debs! Address is on it's way!

    hugs - and congrats... always knew there'd be a pink one for you one day ;-)
    jk xxxx

  2. congratulations on the pink news!!
    my fiance thinks were having a girl but i havent a clue!!did you have an idea that you were having a girl?i thought that i would get some sixth sense about it!!
    and not finding out til the 22nd january!!which is v.frustrating lol!

  3. Oh Dear - I'm such a noodle!

    I said 'Hello' on the Pink Post, not thinking that this was the most recent....



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