Wednesday 16 December 2009


Yep, we came home from the hospital with a little pink Its a Girl balloon to break the news to the boys! My mum jumped for joy but we got a 'awwwww we wanted another boy' from the boys! LOL I just dont think they know what to expect from a girl! lol
So, little Evangeline Hope is due on the 29th of April - thats her Sunday name though and she will be known as Evie :) Evangeline means bringer of good news :) All measurements are fine and besides me having fibroids (so funny as dh thought she said FIVE BOYS and almost freaked out!!)
which means i have to have another scan at 32 weeks, both of us are progressing well :)

Normal service will resume soon as i have some piccies of the cherry fudge i made just wallowing in the pink glow of finding out our news right now! :)


  1. The boys will adore her and no doubt be very protective.

    I love the name too.

    Congratulations again.

  2. Gorgeous name

    Beki xxx

  3. Love her name and many pink congratulations!!!!!

  4. One of my friends has just called her baby girl Evangeline. It is such a beautiful name. The boys will be great with her and if she is anything like my little girl will give them a run for there money.
    I am thrilled for you all what great news.
    LOL 5 boys, bless.
    Rachael XX

  5. Yippee - I'm sooo excited for you and your family, I've been checking your blog all day waiting for this wonderful news.
    Great big hugs - Ju xxxx

  6. Aw, congratulations on your 'pink' news!

  7. Congratulations Debbie!

    Love the name you have chosen for her too!

  8. What wonderful news!!! lol at your hubby:) Congratulations to you all - a truly lovely name as well - love it!!

  9. Congratulations, that is a beautiful name you have picked.

  10. congrarts, glad to hear all going well. Also love the name! X

  11. Congratulations on your baby girl news and what a beautiful name, I am so pleased for you all!! Please send some pink luck this way LOL!!!!

  12. awwwww congrats hunni You must be thrilled to be expecting a girl.
    So can I get my stash of pink yarn out now ???

  13. Congratulations, lovely name you have chosen for her.

  14. Congratulations Debbie. The boys will love her when she arrives. Gorgeous name and is so fitting considering the good news you've had today... a girl and most importantly...well and healthy.
    All the best
    Suzanne x

  15. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww H U G E congratulations to you and your family Debbie, a little girl, how super xxx

  16. Lovely news!! I'm sure the boys will love their little sister to pieces!!
    All that pink, floral and girly things to go shopping for!!!
    Take care - you two!!!

    Sharon xx

  17. Deb, this is such wonderful news! i had a little grizzle when i read your post on FB.
    I hope you have as much fun with your DD as i have had with mine.


    Ps, role on the Pink Rompers ......YAY

  18. I'm so excited for you Debs! A girl!! You know, in our family there were 2 girls, followed by 2 boys, followed by 2 girls... and then my mum had another girl - and my brothers just sat at the bottom of the garden and cried their eyes out! That was 45 years ago, but they still remember it LOL!! Can't wait for the happy bundle to appear :)
    Jen xxx

  19. Wonderful news, beautiful name.

    Love and blessings

  20. Congratulations on your wonderful news! Such a beautiful name too, Evie is one of my favourite names for a girl!

    Hope you and your little daughter continue to do well, take it easy!

    Love Katrina xx

  21. Congratulations debbie :)! Beautiful name too! xx

  22. Pink......... how wonderful! :-)

    After 3 girls, I finally had a little boy, and while I really didn't think I minded what the new babe would be, I can't tell you how much happiness I found in having a boy the last time. It's just fantastic to know the joy of having 'both' :-)

    So very happy for you all

  23. Congratulations on your pink news! So thrilled for you! Her name is just lovely. Will look forward to seeing some pictures once she graces our world (in a few mnoths time!). Hope you both stay well. Love to you all xx

  24. Congratulations - what a lucky little girl - four big brothers to look out for her and protect her! Love to you all XXX

  25. What beautiful names I especially love Hope, something that means so much to me, when i think of having babies :)

    All the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy


  26. Awww, how exciting for you all, I'm sure the boys will be fantastic with her, 4 big brothers to look after her :0) lord help any boyfriends! LOL! gorgeous name too,
    Take care, S.J. xxx

  27. Hello Debbie,

    Congratulations on the news, my daughter was nicknamed the 'stinky pinky' by her bigger brother & grandpa when she first arrived. Her middle name is Hope too, it meant such a lot to me. I am biased of course, but I think your names are beautiful.

    Only found you this week, its a delight to read your posts.

    Wishing you good health and happiness for the rest of your baby baking time.

    Love Lydia xx

  28. Woop! Woop! Woop!!!!!!! Congratulations on the pink bump! Your boys are going to be so protective of their little sister!

    Take care and enjoy the preparations to being a momma to a little girl - I love it!


  29. what fab news!!!!!!!!!!!

    oooo imagine all the wonderful pink things you can now indulge in.. u lucky thing!!!

    glad all went well for you ..

  30. Congrats..... When I saw the pic of the bump with the foot, I thought 'thats a girl!!' My daughter constantly her foot stuck out of my bump - now a 12 yr old dancer with big feet :)

  31. congratulations on the pink news! I love the name!

  32. Oh congrats congrats to your Debbie!!

    A sweet and I LOVE her name Debbie! Beautiful!!!

  33. Oooooh fab! A little pink one. I have 2 boys, and then a girl. At the 20wk scan we found out it was a girl, by 23wks I was convinced it was a boy again! Had to keep getting my consultant to check and only finally believed her when at 35wks I could make out my dd 'bits' on the screen!
    Beautiful name, glad all was well.

  34. Congrats Debbie - so happy for you to be having another female in the house soon! Beautiful name. Think pink - shopping is SO fun for a little girl!

  35. Oh this is just fabulous news, I'm so pleased to read it :D Congratulations to you Debbie and all your family.

  36. aww congratulations hunny, so pleased for you!
    So its mum of 4 boys and 1 little girl!!!

  37. Aww a little girl how wonderful!And I love the cute.


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