Wednesday 5 November 2014

Thank you Thank you Thank you

*personal post alert*

I have started to re-read The Secret.  

Yes, that book that everyone went gaga over a few years back.  Well, i read it a couple of times then it was put away, out of sight out of mind blah blah......

 In the back of my mind ive always thanked the universe and ALWAYS been greatful for what i receive....but i havent had the right frame of mind for the past couple of years.  

Yes ive been lucky with some competition which makes me think things are good.  

False sense of security n all that...

Think again lady, just because youre winning stuff doesnt make you good with the Universe.  I need to get my mind back into the game and know that things will be ok, that things will work out alright and that things all happen for a reason.

This past year has been so much better than the last one and i can only hope of going into 2015 with a positive view and greatful heart!  

Ive made mistakes and Ive faced up to that, problems are being dealt with and overcome and I hope that next year can be a fresh start.

That I can look forward to building myself up and working towards what we need as a family instead of being stuck in the past.  

Heres to moving forward...

Heres to a positive attitude...

Heres to making things work for me!


Thank you Thank you Thank you 

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