Friday 4 September 2009

Knee Deep!!

In more ways than one! LOL Im busy as normal with the boys being at home for the holidays plus working through the Bo bunny blog schedule, the normal dt stuff that i do for other sites, submissions to magazines etc!! Plus a special project im working on and will share asap! ;) LOL

Im so pleased the boys are back to school on Monday, i have loved having them at home but boy are they ready to go back......its done nothing but rain the last couple of days so they are bored stiff!! Lots of pics to be taken as Scott starts senior school and Ethan starts infant school - ALL my boys will be out learning!! Time flies far too quickly!

Ive managed to catch up with Pencil lines sketches (well im working on this weeks now!) but here is sketch 149..go check out their blog :) Ive used nothing but the new Flutter butter papers, embellishement, alphabet, flowers, buttons etc from Bo Bunny - (seedbeads are my own) how gorgeous are they and so great for boys or girls! :D

Here is also a sneak of a submission for Handmade mag....fingers crossed they pick it up for their Feb/Mar issue :D


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