Ive made a selection of these little notelet boxes for the Christmas fair - to see the tutorial click on this link -
Notebox simple A4 folded 
- or go to the column on the right hand side of my blog for lots of other tutorials too :)
Here is a quick simple run down of how to make the star albums that i made LOTS of the other day - its easier to cut all your pieces at one, glue all the sections together and then finish them all off at once :)
First off cut 1 x 8 1/4x4 piece of card which is the outside of your album... 6 pieces of 8x4 card and 6 pieces of 7 3/4x4 patterned paper (you can do 6 different patterns for inside, all the same, or 3 of 2 different pieces - depends what kind of decoration you are using inside i suppose)...

Fold all of the pieces in half and put double sided sticky down both of the 4 inch sides of the patterned paper. Press these agains the edges of your 8x4 pieces of cardstock. You will notice a little gap betweek the 2 - thats intentional.

Continue doing this with all pieces until you have 6 that look like below...

Pop a strip of double sided tape down the back of the white cardstock at the edge again and press one of the other sections against it - similar to what you just did with the patterned paper and cardstock...

Do this until all 6 pieces for a star... (i have only used 3 for demo purposes so you can see the gaps - yours will look much larger and tighter than this once fastened)...

Pop another strip of double sided tape at either end of your cover and place these at the ends of both of the pages you have left - you should only have 2 white pages that are facing you that dont have their ends fastened, this is where it goes. This creates what looks like a huge stretched out star - pull it all in together and it will resemble below.

Now you need to cut 7 long strips of either ribbon, threads, cotton etc to bind your album. Fasten a knot in them all at the top and then each strand gets tucked between the paper and card of each star joint. The last strip sits down the outside spine...

Pull tight and fasten in a knot at the bottom of your album. this will secure all the pages...

Ribbon can be fastened around the outside of the album to form a closure before decoration if you wish. Decorate the inside with photo matts and embellishments ready for that special little brag book you can carry everywhere :)

Any questions please give me a yell - ive had a nightmare today with broadband so ive quickly put this tutorial up and will no doubt reread and wonder what the heck ive made!! LOL ;)