If youre anything like me, each time you go to the cinema you spend ages wondering what kind of treat to have....should it be ice cream?? OR chocolate?? OR toffees?? OR popcorn??
My idea behind these cupcakes was to try and incorporate as much of that cinema experience as you can at home...feel free to take them to the cinema with you but be prepared for a mass of questions on where you got them and how to make them as they smell divine!!
8oz butter
8oz caster sugar
6oz self raising flour
2oz cocoa
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla extract
6floz milk
7oz cream cheese (I used mascarpone)
12oz icing sugar
4tbsp toffee sauce
small bag of toffee coated popcorn
Preheat oven to 180 degrees c.
First weigh out the butter and seperate it into 2 4oz containers.
Place one of these 4oz of butter in a bowl with 4oz of the caster sugar and cream until smooth.

Beat the vanilla and 1 egg together and pour into the bowl.

Add 4oz of the self raising flour and 2fl oz of the milk, mixing until well incorporated.
In another bowl cream together the other 4oz of butter and 4oz of caster sugar.

Add 1 egg and mix well. Sift together the cocoa and remaining 2oz of flour before adding to the mix along with the remaining 4fl oz of milk.

Add half vanilla and half chocolate mix to the cases.

Swirl with a toothpick of skewer until you have mixed slightly.

Bake in the oven for 12-15 minutes and take out when a cake skewer comes out clean.

To make the frosting,

cream together the icing sugar, toffee sauce and cream cheese until well mixed.

Pipe onto the top of the cakes using a large plain nozzle.

Place some of the popcorn into a food processor/nut chopper

... blitz until broken down quite small

(this also eliminates the need for taking out the little hard bits of the popcorn) Empty onto a plate and sprinkle over the frosting until completely covered,

tip cake upside down to loosen any bits and sprinkle again...continue until nothing more will stick.

Add a final piece of popcorn as topping and enjoy xx

Hope you like them :)