Popping this step by step up 3 days late is forgiveable isnt it - oh go on, I promise not to do it again....well, until the next one!! (sssh dont tell my mum, she hoped my broody chip was taken out while i was there!) LOL
Ok here goes and this one is exactly why i like to do the step by step and try them myself before putting them on the blog. I have made amendments to the original recipe as
a. There was just no need for some of the ingredients and
b. The first one we made was far too sweet and not definate enough in flavour.
*Thanks to my lovely mum for making these for me and all i had to do was take the photos and taste cake* :DShopping list for week 15 -
click here :)
Gather all the ingredients (leave out the gelatine as its simply better without and leave out the eggs too - you dont need the yolks or whites at all so no need to seperate etc)

Place the butter and crushed biscuits into a pan and heat through until all the butter is soaked into the biscuit mix.

Press into a greased 9in cake tin and chill before filling.

Into a mixer place the cream cheese, double cream and sugar and whisk until almost stiff.
(In the above pic you can see the egg yolks - this is because up until the point of pouring it into the tin im using the pictures from the first cheesecake we tried - the liquid was just too runny on the first one, this amended way is so much thicker and delicious!!)
Add Baileys and whisk until firm.

Spoon onto the chilled base and decorate as you wish. (we used all the fresh fruit on the first one but this one is equally as delicious with that hint of fruit in the form of compote and chocolate chips!) YUM!

Chill and serve :) (........or just grab a spoon and dive straight in!!) LOL
I couldnt go without sharing the first picture of Evie with her eyes open -

i think shes going to be the most photographed baby ever! LOL