Wednesday 7 January 2009

Stay away rain!

We got a little wet this morning as we went for our daily walk! 2 and a half mile round trip to the shops and it started raining half way home! pah! Picked up some goodies from the charity shops (glass cake stand and a couple of books) and got todays fruit and veg from the supermarket, wish we had a local farm i could buy fresh from!
3rd day of detox has gone well and i have brown bread etc in for tomorrow so i can have some toast for breakfast etc :)
Yesterdays layout..... not sure on what to do for todays as im so tired (i know its the not eating properly thats knocking me out!) - will give it a think and work on something once the kids are in bed :D

1 comment:

  1. its tiring this detox isnt it ?! i stood up to quickly and got a bit dizzy earlier today so looking forward to some more solid food tomorrow but have had the odd piece of bread so not really done a proper detox!!!
    oooooo toast sounds good - everything sounds yummy when your not allowed to have it!!
    Lesley x


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