Im a huge fan of books and can spend hours in Waterstones/Borders etc. Yesterday i went with some vouchers and stocked up on some upcoming books in a bookclub - varied titles and a few recommendations there. They were 3 for 2 and Brutal Art was £2.99 when you spent £10 - Bargain! (its not in the bookclub though just an extra treat)

I already had Twilight, in fact i have the whole series of them but just havent read them yet (they are highly reviewed and i didnt want to get sucked into a trilogy etc while i had so many others im wanting to read so the rest are on my list and ready to read too!) A few of the books are only available in hardback right now so im hanging on until they are in paperback, something abot a new flexible book is part of my enjoyment (hardbacks remind me of stuffy old libraries!) LOL
I also received these yummy goodies today from Papertrey Ink - their service is perfect and the stamps are just gorgeous!

Cant wait to use them! The little heart tins are just perfect too - and seeing as you can bake straight into them they will make cupcake/muffin presents :D
Mum is coming to stay so we will be crafting until the small hours no doubt :D Also a big shout out to Crafters Companion who have won an inovation award at CHA!! The purple Ultimate that i use for scoring non the less so we should see it sweeping the world soon! :)
The tins are do you bake using them?
Oh, I got sucked in to the Twilight series after reading a post about them from Sandi Henderson. Luckily hubby was out of town and I wasn't feeling good so I spent the weekend letting my little one watch cartoons while I sat on the couch and read...something I NEVER do. So yes start reading when you have some time. :)